Summer Program
Summer 2025 Registration is now open!
Please allow up to 10 business days for processing your registration.
Our summer programming provides youth entering grades K-7 with a variety of choice-based activities designed specifically for their grade level.
Full Day Care and Before & After Summer Scholars Care is available.
Full Day Summer Care
Minneapolis Kids provides full day high-quality child care with enriching experiences encouraging youth to pursue interests, build friendships, and develop leadership skills, independence and confidence. Our summer programming provides youth with a variety of choice-based activities designed specifically for their grade level.
Thursday, June 12-
Wednesday, August 20
Closed June 19 and July 4
M-TH: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
F: 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Rates (per day)
Pick the days you want.
$49 Regular Registered Days
(25-day minimum)
$59 Drop-In-Days
(Requires active contract)
A non-refundable annual summer processing fee of $30/child is charged upon contract approval. Contract withdrawals will not be accepted after May 2, 2025. Families will be charged the minimum registration requirement.
Full Day Care Youngers
Entering Grades K-4
Youth will build friendships, develop independence and confidence with activities throughout the day that promote our key learning areas (SEL, STEM, Literacy, Arts, Health and Physical Activity) as well as Service Learning and Community Connections.
Full Day Care Olders
Entering Grades 5-7
Programs designed for older youth to explore interests, share their talents, and gain skills in leadership and independence. Youth will engage in experience-based activities that incorporate our key learning areas and promote community involvement.
*Minneapolis Kids Olders program will only be available at select sites.
Lake Harriet Lower
Before & After Summer Scholars Care
Start and end your day with Minneapolis Kids during MPS Summer Scholars programming. Please note, space is limited for this program.
The 8 available sites are listed above in the Full Day Summer Care section.
Monday-Thursday, June 23-July 31
Rates (entire session)
Registration is for the full summer.
Before Scholars: $240
After Scholars: $384
Combined Before & After: $576
A non-refundable annual summer processing fee of $30/child is charged upon contract approval.
Before Care
Entering Grades K-7
After Care
Entering Grades K-7
Financial Assistance
Minnesota's Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps families pay for child care so parents can pursue work or school. To see if you qualify for this assistance call 612-348-5937, or apply online at